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105 CMR
Department of Public Health


Administrative Bulletin: Massachusetts Substance List for Right-to-Know Law and M.G.L. c. 111F


Comprehensive School Health Manual


Directory of Health Care Facilities. Includes: nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, home health agencies, etc


Federal Food Code 2013


Federal Food Code Annex


Federal Food Code Supplement 2013



105 CMR 100.00 - 119.00

Determination of Need.


105 CMR 120.00

Massachusetts Regulations for the Control of Radiation (MRCR).


105 CMR 121.00 - 129.00

To Control the Radiation Hazards of Lasers, Laser Systems and Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode or Light Emitting Diode Sources; Nonionizing Radiation Limits For: The General Public From Non-occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, Employees from Occupational Exposure to Electro-magnetic Fields, and Exposure From Microwave Ovens;Tanning Facilities;Provision of Thyroid Blocking Agents; Regulations Governing the Licensing of Radiologic Technologists; Licensing of Mammography Facilities; Health Insurance Consumer Protection; Health Insurance Open Enrollment Waivers.


105 CMR 130.00 - 133.00

Hospital Licensure Regulations; The Operation of the Advocacy Office.


105 CMR 134.00 - 149.00

Use of Blood, Blood Components, and Derivatives for the Purpose of Transfusion; Licensure of Clinics; Licensure of Hospice Programs; Operation and Maintenance of Birth Centers; Standards Governing Cardiac Rehabilitation Treatment; Licensing of Out-of-hospital Dialysis Units in Massachusetts.


105 CMR 140.00

Licensure of Clinics.


105 CMR 142.000

Operation and Maintenance of Birth Centers.


105 CMR 150.000 - 159.000

Licensing of Long-term Care Facilities; Licensure Procedure and Suitability Requirements For Long Term Care Facilities; Patient & Resident Abuse Reporting, Investigation, Penalties & Registry; The Training of Nurses' Aides in Long-term Care Facilities; The Registration and Operation of Temporary Nursing Service Agencies; Licensing of Adult Day Health Programs; COVID-19 Vaccinations for Certain Staff Providing Home Care Services in Mass.


105 CMR 160.000 - 169.000

Acute Care Inpatient Substance Abuse Detoxification Treatment Services; Short Term Intensive Inpatient Treatment Centers; Licensure of Substance Abuse Outpatient Services; Halfway Houses For Alcoholics; Approval of Residential Alcohol Treatment Programs For Operating Under the Influence Offenders; Methodology for Setting Fees for Driver Alcohol Education Programs & Treatment Programs Serving 1st time OUI Offenders.


105 CMR 170.000 - 173.000

Implementation of M.G.L.c.111C, Governing Ambulance Services and Coordinating Emergency Medical Care; Massachusetts First Responder training; Implementation of M.G.L.s c.111 and 111C, Regulating the Reporting of Infectious diseases Dangerous to the Public Health; Mobile Integrated Health Care and Community EMS Programs.


105 CMR 180.00 - 199.00

The Operation, Approval and Licensing of Clinical Labor.


105 CMR 200.000 - 299.000

Physical Examination of School Children; Head Injuries and Concussions in Extracurricular Athletic Activities; Minimum Standards Governing Medical Records and The Conduct of Physical Examinations in Correctional Facilities; the Administration of Prescription Medications in Public and Private Schools; Standards of School Wellness Committees; Immunization of Students before Admission to School; Promoting Awareness of Menengococcal Disease & Vaccine; Massachusetts Immunization Information Systems (MIIS); Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods & Beverages in Public Schools; Criteria for Insurance Coverage of Bone Marrow Transplants for Breast Cancer Patients; Prohibition against Certain Fishing in New Bedford Harbor; Testing of Newborn Children for Treatable Diseases; Postpartum Depression Screening & Reporting.


105 CMR 300.000 - 399.000

Reportable Diseases and Isolation and Quarantine Requirements; Cancer Registry Regulations; Confidential Birth Information; Safe Driving; Cremation of Bodies Received from Outside Massachusetts; The Vaccination of Dogs and Cats against Rabies; Treatment of Persons Exposed to Rabies; Tuberculosis Treatment Unit Standards for Admission, Treatment, and Discharge; Standards for Management of Tuberculosis Outside Hospitals; Approval of Bacteriological and Serological Laboratories.


105 CMR 400.000 - 419.000

State Sanitary Code Chapter I: General Administrative Procedures; Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation (State Sanitary Code: Chapter II:)


105 CMR 410.00 - 419.00; 940 CMR 3.17; and M.G.L. c. 186, 15B;

Information for Tenant's Package

State Sanitary Code; Article II, Attorney General: Landlord/tenant Relationships; Security Deposit Law.


105 CMR 420.000 - 499.000

Housing and Sanitation Standards for Farm Labor Camps (State Sanitary Code: Chapter III); Rights of Visitation for Migrant Workers; Minimum Standards for Recreational Camps for Children (State Sanitary Code: Chapter IV); Minimum Requirements for Personal Flotation Devices for Minor Children at Municipal Recreational Programs & Camp; Minimum Standards for Swimming Pools (State Sanitary Code: Chapter V); Minimum Standards for Developed Family Type Campgrounds (State Sanitary Code: Chapter VI); Minimum Standards for Bathing Beaches (State Sanitary Code: Chapter VII); Minimum Health and Sanitation Standards and Inspection Procedures for Detention Centers; Minimum Health and Sanitation Standards and Inspection Procedures for Correctional Facilities; Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control; Maintenance and Construction of Lockup Facilities; Storage and Disposal of Infectious or Physically Dangerous Medical or Biological Waste State Sanitary Code Chapter VIII.


105 CMR 460.00

Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control.


105 CMR 460.00; 454 CMR 22.00 and 454 CMR 23.00

Lead Poisoning Prevention Package


105 CMR 480.00

Storage and Disposal of Infectious or Physically Dangerous Medical or Biological Waste State Sanitary Code Chapter VIII.


105 CMR 500.000 - 529.000

Good Manufacturing Practices for Food.


105 CMR 590.000 - 595.000

Sanitary Code Article X - Minimum Sanitation Standards for Food Establishments.


105 CMR 600.00 - 649.00

Approved Manual Choke-saving Procedures; Bedding, Upholstered Furniture and Related Products; Plastic Bags and Plastic Film.


105 CMR 650.00 - 665.00

Hazardous substances; Cigarette and Smokeless Tobacco Products and Nicotene Ratings; Regulations Implementing Chapter 270,§22; Minimum Standards for Retail Sale of Tobacco & Electronic Nicotine Delivery.


105 CMR 670.00

Right to Know.


105 CMR 670.00 Package

Right to Know (includes 310 CMR 33.00, 454 CMR 21.00 and M.G.L. c. 111F: Implementation of M.G.L. c. 111F, Employee and Community “Right to Know; “Right to Know” Law M.G.L. c. 111F; Hazardous Substances Disclosure by Employers).


105 CMR 671-675

Requirements to Maintain Air Quality in Indoor Skating Rinks (State Sanitary Code, Chapter XI).


105 CMR 700.000 - 719.00 and 721.00 - 899.00

Implementation of M.G.L. c. 94C; Standard for Approved Prescription Format & Security in Massachusetts; Dispensing Procedures for Pharmacists; Implementation of M.G.L. c. 94d; the Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act.


105 CMR 720.00

List of Interchangeable Drug Products.


105 CMR 700.000 - 719.000; 721.000 - 899.000; 801 CMR 1.00 - 3.00; 247 CMR 1.00 - 21.00

Pharmacy Package

Public Health; Administration and Finance; Board of Registration of Pharmacy.


105 CMR 900.000 - 970.000

Licensure of Research Institutions Using Dogs or Cats in Research and Education; Establishing a Uniform Schedule of Assessments for Direct Pay Patients at the Department of Public Health Hospitals; Biotechnology; Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturer Conduct.
