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101 CMR
Executive Office of Health and Human Services


101 CMR 1.00 - 31.00

Transitional Planning Services; Criminal Offender Records Check; Personal Data Use & Permitted Disclosures By & Among the EOHHS & Its Agencies; Workplace Violence Prevention & Crisis Response Plan; Health Information Exchange; COVID-19 Testing for Staff at Agency Facilities; Requirement to Disclose COVID-19 Test Results to EOHHS; COVID-19 Vaccinations for Staff at Certain Agency Facilities; Interagency Review of Complex Cases; Disability Employment Tax Credit; Statewide Long-term Care Ombudsman Program; Administration and Enforcement of the Loan Repayment Assistance Program


101 CMR 100.00 - 199.00

Rate & Charge Determination for Certain Intermediate Care Facilities Operated by the Dept. of Developmental Services.


101 CMR 200.00 - 299.00

Rates of Payment to Resident Care Facilities; Standard Payments to Nursing Facilities.


101 CMR 300.00 - 399.00

Rates for Behavioral Health Services Provided in Community Health Behavioral Centers; Rate of Payment for Mental Health Services Provided in Community & Mental Health Centers; Rates for Psychiatric Day Treatment Center Services; Rates for Certain Services for the Personal Care Attendant Program; Adult Day Health Services; Family Planning Services; Rates for Freestanding Clinics Providing Abortion & Sterilization Services; Rates for Dental Services; Vision Care Services & Ophthalmic Materials; Rates for Surgery & Anesthesia Services; Rates for Medicine Services; Rates for Radiology Services; Rates for Doula Services; Clinical Laboratory Services; Durable Medical Equipment, Oxygen & Respiratory Therapy Equipment; Hearing Aid Services; Nonpublic Ambulance Service Reimbursement Trust Fund Assessment & Funding; Rates for Ambulance & Wheelchair Van Services; Rates for Psychological & Independent Clinical Social Work Services; Team Evaluation Services; Prescribed Drugs; Rates for Prostheses, Prosthetic Devices and Orthotic Devices; Rates for Dialysis Treatments & Home Dialysis Supplies; Restorative Services; Rates for Hospice services; Temporary nursing Services; Rates for Certain Substance Abuse Programs; Rates for Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Center Services; Rates for Day Habilitation Services; Rates for early Intervention Program Services; Home Health Services; Adult Foster Care; Rates for Certain Children's Behavioral Health Services; Payment for Primary Care Clinician Plan Services; Rates for Freestanding Birth Centers; Rates for Money follows the Person Demonstration Services; Rates for Payment for Applied Behavior Analysis; Rates for Home & Community Based Services Waivers; Rates for Continuous Skilled Nursing Agency and Independent Nursing Services; Rates for Community Support Program Services.


101 CMR 400.00 - 453.00

Rates for Competitive Integrated Employment Services; Rates for Certain Placement and Support Services; Rates for Family Transitional Support Services; Payments for Youth Intermediate-Term Stabilization services; Rates for Family Stabilization Services; Rates for community-Based Day support Services; Rates for Clubhouse Services; Rates for Certain Elder Care Services; Payments for Youth Short-Term Stabilization & Emergency Placement Services; Rates for Supported Employment Services; Rates for Adult Long Term Residential Services; Rates for Adult Housing & Community Support Services; General Programs-Disability Services; Rates for Certain In-Home Basic Living Services; Rates for Certain Developmental & Support Services; Rates for Certain Young Parent Support Programs; Rates for Certain Adult Community Mental Health Services; Rates for Certain Youth & Young Adult Support Services; Rates for Certain Independent Living Communities & Services; Rates for Certain Sexual & Domestic Violence Services; Rates for Program of Assertive Community Treatment Services; Rates for Certain Respite Services; Rates for Certain Lead Agency Services; Rates for Certain Health & Human Services Programs; Rates for Certain Substance Abuse Disorder Services; COVID-19 Payment Rates for Certain Community Health Care Providers; Rates for Certain Home & Community-based Services Related to Workforce Development; Supplemental Rates for Workforce Investment for Certain Health & Human Services Programs; Enhanced Rates for Certain Home & Community-based Services Related to Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act.
