Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund

The MHC is accepting applications for Round 30 grants.

The application deadline is March 15, 2024.

Downloadable application, instructions, and application presentation information.

We are pleased to announce Round 30 of the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund (MPPF) grant program. It is anticipated that funding for Round 30 will be in the range of $1,000,000.

The MPPF is a state-funded 50% reimbursable matching grant program established in 1984 to support the preservation of properties, landscapes, and sites (cultural resources) listed in the State Register of Historic Places. Applicants must be a municipality or nonprofit organization.

Historic cultural resources in public and nonprofit ownership and use frequently suffer from deferred maintenance, incompatible use, or are threatened by demolition. These important resources represent a significant portion of the Commonwealth’s heritage. By providing assistance to historic cultural resources owned by nonprofit or municipal entities, we hope to ensure their continued use and integrity. The program is administered in accordance with 950 CMR 73.00.

Please note that grant disbursement is subject to reauthorization of the capital accounts and the availability of sufficient allocated funds.

Important Dates

Application DeadlineFriday, March 15, 2024
Award Selection*Wednesday, June 12, 2024
LPC Workshop (Mandatory for awardees)Thursday, July 11, 2024
Project End DateMonday, June 30, 2025

*Award selection decisions are made by the Massachusetts Historical Commission. All Commission meetings are open to the public.

To Apply

The quickest way to apply is to download and save a copy of the Application to your computer, enter your information, and print. Usage rights for fill-in and save capability have been extended for the Application form; however, you must have Adobe Reader v8 or higher. To receive a hard copy of the Application and Instructions by mail please contact the MHC.

MPPF Grant Application

MPPF Round 30 Fillable Application Form (PDF)
MPPF Round 30 Application Instructions Booklet (PDF)

Instructional Video Presentations

We strongly encourage all potential applicants to view the following presentations, familiarize themselves with the application requirements, and begin compiling application materials as early as possible in order to meet the application deadline.

The Introduction to the MPPF Program video provides an overview of the program's history and its impact on historic sites throughout the Commonwealth.

In the MPPF Application Instructions video presentation, MHC staff review the MPPF application process in its entirety.

MPPF Program Introduction

MPPF Program Introduction Video (mp4)
Download MPPF Program Introduction Powerpoint Presentation (PPSX)

MPPF Round 30 Application Presentation

MPPF Application Video Presentation (mp4)
Download MPPF Application Powerpoint Presentation (PPSX)

Eligible Activities

Pre-development Projects

Requests may be submitted to conduct studies necessary to enable future development or protection of a State Register-listed property, such as feasibility studies involving the preparation of plans and specifications and historic structures reports. With planning projects, the architectural/engineering fees to conduct such studies are eligible for funding. Costs associated with the project sign, photography, and legal ads are also eligible for reimbursement.

Development Projects

Requests may be submitted for construction activities including stabilization, protection, rehabilitation, and restoration. Grant funding can only be used to cover costs of material and labor necessary to ensure the preservation, safety, and accessibility of historic cultural resources. Development of universal access is allowable as part of a larger project (ideally, no more than 30%). With construction or "bricks & mortar" projects, therefore, the architectural or engineering fees for any project work are not eligible for funding or use as matching share.

Allowable costs: Overall building preservation, building code compliance, and barrier-free access where historic fabric is directly involved are eligible as well as the cost of a project sign, photography, recording of the preservation restriction, and legal ads. Eligible interior work will generally be limited to restoration based upon documented historic evidence. Please contact Grants Division staff to review your scope of work or individual work items if you are unsure about eligibility.

Non-allowable costs: Projects consisting of routine maintenance, upgrading of mechanical systems (i.e., heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, plumbing), renovation of non-historic spaces, moving of historic buildings, or construction of additions will not be considered. For buildings actively used for religious purposes, projects involving the interior of buildings, stained glass windows or other religious symbols are generally not considered eligible. Architectural or engineering fees for any project work are not eligible for funding or use as matching share.

Acquisition Projects

Requests may be submitted to acquire State Register-listed properties that are imminently threatened with inappropriate alteration or destruction.

Amount of Request

Requests for pre-development projects can range from $5,000 to $30,000; requests for development or acquisition projects may range from $7,500 to $100,000. Work completed prior to grant award is ineligible for funding consideration.

A unique feature of the program allows applicants to request up to 75% of total construction costs if there is a commitment to establish a historic property maintenance fund by setting aside an additional 25% over their matching share in a restricted endowment fund. Due to current limited funding, the endowment option is unlikely to be available for this MPPF round of funding.

Emergency funds are available at the Secretary's discretion for stabilization of resources considered in imminent danger. There are no deadlines for the submission of emergency fund requests.

State Register Listing

State Register listing is a requirement of the MPPF program. The State Register of Historic Places is the official list of the state's cultural resources deserving preservation consideration. It is a compilation of eight different types of local, state, and federal designations. The most common designations on the State Register are National Historic Landmarks, National Register properties, and local historic districts.

The largest single category on the State Register is from National Register nominations. We can only accept National Register nominations from communities that have completed a comprehensive survey of their historic properties. National Register listing involves substantial lead-time and therefore procedures for nominating eligible unlisted properties should be implemented well ahead of the next grants cycle. Properties can be listed individually or as contributing elements of a National Register District. To find out if your community has a comprehensive survey or to initiate the process of evaluating a property for listing on the National Register, contact the Preservation Planning Division of the MHC.

Applicants should contact us or their local historical commission to ascertain State Register status of their property before applying for grant funds.

Selection Criteria

  • Level of historical significance of the property
  • Potential for loss or destruction of the property
  • Administrative and financial management capabilities of the applicant
  • Appropriateness of proposed work for the property
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Extent of public support and benefit from users, professionals, and community leaders
  • Consistency with state and local preservation and community revitalization plans
  • Use of traditional materials and building techniques
  • Geographic distribution and first-time grant for community/project

Preservation Restriction (M.G.L. Ch. 184, ss.31-33)

The owner of a property funded for a development or acquisition project must enter into and record a preservation restriction and maintenance agreement in perpetuity. Owners of properties funded for predevelopment projects shall enter into a preservation restriction for a term of years, depending on the grant amount awarded.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to our MPPF Frequently Asked Questions for more information. You can also download a PDF version of the Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have any questions or need further information, please call MHC's Grants Division at 617-727-8470 or e-mail Paul Holtz.

Usage rights for fill-in and save capability have been extended for the Application form; however, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader v8 or higher.

MPPF Workshop Schedule (Round 30) - Virtual Only!

Monday, January 8, 2024

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting