Technical Assistance and Workshops

The RMU is a division of the Massachusetts State Archives, a unit within the Office of the Secretary of State, William Francis Galvin. The Records Management Unit operates under the mandates of the Supervisor of Public Records and the Archives of the Commonwealth.

We are here to assist state, local, and county government entities create, manage, secure, and preserve the records they need to conduct business activities and to protect the rights and obligations of citizens and government.

The unit offers support and guidance on records and record-keeping issues such as disposition, storage, filing, data conversion, the legality of electronic data, the recovery of water-damaged materials, and contingency planning. Advising services are free to agencies.

Help is Available

The Supervisor of Public Records established the Records Management Unit within the Massachusetts Archives to ensure that Massachusetts government records are properly stored and preserved, as required by MGL ch. 66, s. 1. A team of record analysts provide training and assistance with: inventory and appraisal of records; files management; selection of storage equipment; development of records disposal schedules (disposal plans); and inspection of vault and storage areas. Please see the contact section below for more information.

A public records analyst can answer your questions over the phone or via email, teach you how to survey your office, train office staff, speak to your professional association or provide technical assistance. The Records Management Unit has also developed a variety of schedules and publications on the creation, use, storage, and disposition of government records.

Technical Assistance

Record analysts can assist with: Development of records management programs

  • Records inventory
  • Analysis of record-keeping systems
  • Appraisal and scheduling of records
  • Implementation of schedules

Training Sessions and Presentations

The Records Management Unit can conduct training sessions at the Massachusetts Archives or at your office. Analysts will plan an agenda tailored to the records management needs of the agency/department. Analysts frequently speak at meetings of professional associations.

Sample topics include:

  • Records Retention and Disposition
  • Safety and Security of Records
  • Records Lifecycle
  • Care and Handling of Records
  • Public Records Issues
  • Disaster Planning


Let the Records Management Unit teach a workshop at your next professional association meeting.